Best Schools in Toronto: Investing in Private Education is the Key to Success

Best Schools in Toronto: Investing in Private Education is the Key to Success

Investing in Private Education


Investing in a child’s education provides an immense return for student, parents and the community. Toronto has many top-notch public schools to consider but the benefit of private education is enticing. The city also provides a range of private and independent institutions, all with their own culture and commitment to excellence. A good public school can provide a solid education but the advantages of attending any one of the best private schools in Toronto are undeniable.


Parents often choose the private system because private schools have higher academic standards. These standards are instilled in the students, who in turn tend to create even higher standards for their own performance and academic success. Students typically have to qualify to attend the school and must pass an entrance exam, unlike those in the public systems. Public school attendance is based solely on "feeder school” geography for secondary students and postal code for elementary. According to a study completed by Statistics Canada, the academic outcomes of private high school students exceed those of public schools. Private school students consistently score higher in reading, mathematics and science assessments by the time they are 15 years old.


Setting Students up for Success


A contributing factor to the success of private schools is the cultureof achievement they create, which makes students want to excel. In order to maintain their reputations, private schools tend to hire exceptional teachers and they offer a wider range of classes with more challenging courses. Low student-to-teacher ratios ensure that students get greater individual attention. Drop-out rates at private institutions are very low. Almost all Canadian private school graduates go on to university and many become leaders in their chosen fields. Lifelong friendships are formed at private schools and graduates embarking on a career may find a network of former classmates and alumni eager to lend a helping hand.


Another top reason for selecting a private school education centres on core values instilled in student behaviour. Private schools strive to instill strong value systems in their students, allowing parents to choose a school that corresponds to their own core values. Respect, tolerance, cooperation and integrity are all cherished values at the best schools in Toronto. Parents also have a much higher level of regular involvement with the direction and activities of the school, resulting in improved communication between home and school; a truly integrated approach. The private school community is generally more close-knit than those in the public system.


Support System for Student Interests


Superior facilities are an added bonus for private school students. Cutting-edge computer equipment and swimming pools are available for student and faculty use. Fully equipped lecture halls, music rooms and libraries are among the types of amenities that enhance the quality of the private school experience. For a naturally talented student, having regular access to a grand piano or an on-site tennis court can be life changing. Having academic and extra-curricular support available will encourage students to truly pursue their passions.


Every family has to weigh the benefits of a private school education against the costs incurred for tuition. However, studies suggest that the advantages of a private school education have a measurable impact. The best schools in Toronto give students advantages that not only benefit their education but also instill skills that can last a lifetime.

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